Shipping & Entry Details
Only open to commercially available International Hot Sauce that is not from Europe!
Submit Your Sauce For a Chance to Win the title of Best International hot sauce 2024
All entries should arrive for judging by 30th September 2023, winners will be announced at the Berlin Chili Fest in December 2023
Choose the number of sauces you want to enter, you can enter multiple sauces per category.
Register and pay based on the number of products you are submitting and the categories you are entering.
Please send 2 bottles of each sauce per category entry to the address below for the judges (one bottle for the judging and one for the audience vote)
Your bottle labels do not have to be in English, but it would be handy to have a printout of the ingredients in English if possible on a separate sheet (but not essential).
After registering and payment is complete, please include all the information for each entry: Sauce name & award category, Producer’s name plus all contact information (postal address, email, phone number)
You will receive a VAT receipt for your payment by email.
Any questions please get in touch by email at chilipunkberlin@gmail.com
You can submit multiple sauces per category for all 8 categories.
Shipping Details:
All sauces should arrive with valid use-by dates by the end of 2023, in sealed commercial bottles/containers.
Please professionally pack and ship all your entries together after you have
registered and paid for your entries.
Shipping Info:
Neil Long
Chili Punk Berlin
Hobrecht Str 78
12043, Berlin, Germany
All entries should arrive for judging by 30th September 2023, winners will be announced at the Berlin Chili Fest in December 2023
Optional: you may also include
You can also include a bunch of stickers and flyers for your company in your entry, and we will add them to the promo table at the event for customers to take.
Sauce Category Details:
Mild: Hot sauce
Medium: Hot Sauce
Hot: Hot Sauce
Extra Hot: Hot Sauce
Chili Oil
Extract Based: Hot Sauce
BBQ Chili Sauce
Freestyle Category
Our Extra Categories:
Judges Leftfield Award
Audience Favorite
How the competition is judged:
Our experts will be marking the sauce out of 10 in five categories:
Aroma / nose
Use of chilis / heat profile
Flavor / palate
Creativity / individuality / memorability
Finish / aftertaste / afterburn
It’s important that the sauce is entered into the correct category.
Full feedback from the judges is available on request, for every sauce entered.
Register and pay here
Any questions please get in touch by email at chilipunkberlin@gmail.com
The award ceremony:
Winners will be announced at the Berlin Chili Festival in December 2023, if you cannot attend you will be notified by text message as soon as the winner is announced. Prizes will be given in person or posted to you after the event.